Monday, October 1, 2018

Months 1-3

Sleep- Ethan is a great sleeper. Right from the beginning he always chose sleep over eating. He would go 3 hours between feeds during the day and 4 hours at night. Waking up consistently at 1am, 4am, and then up for the day at 8ish am. Until 1 month old Ethan would sleep anywhere and everywhere. Starting at about 1 month old Ethan strongly preferred sleeping on his belly. It was the only way he would sleep actually. He hated being on his back. Once we figured out the reason why was he had a severe milk protein allergy and reflux, he was ok sleeping on his back again in the rock n play. For the first 9ish weeks he would wake up, eat, and immediately go back to sleep during the day. Getting him to nap was pretty difficult. He didn't want to be awake, but didn't want to sleep either. At about 2 months old he started napping in his swing, and this made a HUGE difference. He would knock out almost immediately after being in the swing. After 9 weeks he started being able to stay awake for about an hour, and then nap for about an hour. One time a day he will have a longer nap lasting about 2 or 3 hours. This is usually in the morning. Bed time is somewhere between 7-8pm. When he started having more awake time during the day, he started sleeping 6 hours at night. And now at 3 months old he pretty consistently sleeps 8 hours with a few peeps and needing a binky in between.

Eat- As a newborn Ethan was a lazy eater. As said above he preferred to sleep. I had to set alarms to wake him up to make sure he was getting enough to eat. His weight was a little scary the first couple weeks as he was not gaining enough of his birth weight back. Once my milk came in, and he started waking up on his own to eat everything evened out. At 3 weeks old it became pretty apparent something was bothering him when it came to eating. He would cry and cry and cry, had LOTS of gas, and hated laying on his back. Nothing would help him. I noticed one day that he was extra miserable after I ate pizza and ice cream. This lead us to figure out that he had a milk protein allergy. After I cut dairy out of my diet, his gas was a lot better. He still seemed uncomfortable, and still hated being on his back. This lead to a diagnosis of reflux. Within a day of taking reflux medicine he was sleeping happily again. After everything finally calmed down I randomly ate corn one day and he immediately went back to the worst gas and crying I have ever seen. Turns out he has a corn allergy as well! This explained why formula wasn't helping like so many suggested. Even the hypoallergenic ones. All formulas have corn in them, except for Alimentum ready to feed (which we hadn't tried yet). So now I don't eat corn products either. Randomly at 2 months old Ethan decided he did not want to feed from the breast anymore. He never figured out how to latch naturally, and then he decided he also hated the nipple shield. He kept swinging his head back and forth and the nipple shield would just fall out of his mouth. So I am now exclusively pumping and feeding him from a bottle. It isn't as horrible as I thought it would be. It is nice that someone else can feed him and he is still getting breast milk. I started off pumping every 2 hours (which was hard to keep up with), and now its between 4 and 6 hours. At night I pump whenever he wakes up. Daddy feeds him a pumped bottle while I pump his next feed. I make about an oz an hour. Occasionally he does get supplemented with formula if I don't make enough, or if I accidentally eat corn or dairy.

Play- Did not really want to play at all until about 3 months. He kind of likes his activity gym (not nearly as much as Aurora at this age). Mostly just wants to be held and talked to instead of played with. Started smiling at 7 weeks and giggling at 11 weeks.

Stats- 1month: 7lbs 8oz 20 inches 
          2 month: 10lbs, 6oz 21.5 inches tall
          3 month: 12lbs 2oz

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