Sunday, July 23, 2017

7-12 months old

Sleep: Around 7-8 months Aurora more consistently started to nap for 2 hours, which helped me easily transition her to 2 naps a day. Around the same time she started refusing her binky and would throw it across the room when I tried to rock her to sleep. Her independent personality started to show through, and this made sleeping without the binky and learning to fall asleep on her own very easy as well. The new sleep routine would be go in, turn on her lullabies, rock her standing up for three songs, place her down, and walk out the door (instead of rocking her in the chair for three songs with a binky and putting her down already asleep). She would roll around for a little while and wedge herself into the corner of the crib and fall asleep. If she cried I would go back in and do the same thing, but she rarely cried. It actually made me sad after a while that she wanted to do it all on her own. After Aurora mastered rolling she preferred to sleep on her stomach with her little butt in the air. This also seemed to help her sleep a little better. Around 10 months she started napping for 3 hours, so I just put her to bed a little earlier and transitioned from 2 naps a day to 1 nap a day fairly easy as well. Eventually she was able to stay up a little longer and go back to her normal bed time. Sleep schedule generally looked like; 6am wake, 10am-1pm nap, 7pm bed. Still consistently wakes up once (sometimes twice) randomly in the middle of the night for a bottle.

Eat: Around 9-10 months Aurora started to be able to finger feed real food. She loved bananas and yogurt for breakfast, cheese for snack, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or fiber one bars with strawberries or cut up grapes for lunch, and chicken with green beans for dinner. Her favorite food by far is cheese. No interest in fork or spoon feeding.

Play: Occasionally liked being in her bouncer and spinning the red bird around, but never really got into jumping. After a while I stopped putting her in it because it was more of a baby holder than a stimulating toy for her. Once she started to be able to sit she loved hitting all the buttons on her walker and watching things light up. And once she could stand she loved pushing the walker around. Still loves all her chunky puzzles (for mostly chewing) and watching mickey mouse, sesame street, and busy beavers on youtube. Loves singing songs and dancing. Got the dance mat from "B" for christmas and LOVES dancing on it. My mom gave her my grandmom's Minnie mouse and it is her favorite stuffed animal to hug. Still read books every night before bed, and still loves turning the pages. Now she can pick what book she wants and bring it to you to read.

Milestones: This kid is CRAZY! Seriously, she is so active and just wanted to go go go. She's always been like that since the day she was born. Always moving and fidgeting. Started crawling forward at 32 weeks, standing at 34 weeks, pulling up independently at 35 weeks, and walking at 37 weeks. No kidding! Once she figured out how to move there was no stopping her. By 39 weeks she was full blown walking across the whole living room with out holding on to anything. Aurora tend to figure out how to do something, and the obsess over it until she masters it entirely, then moves on to something new. Of course I'm bias, but I think she is very intelligent.

Stats: 9 months- 28 in, 20.1 lbs
12 months- 30 in, 21 lbs

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