How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: about 30 lbs
Maternity clothes? Maternity clothes, husbands clothes, no clothes lol I'm pretty miserable in anything now a days.
Stretch marks? Everywhere ):
Sleep: Not so good lately. I wake up at 1am, 3am, 5am, and 7/8am every.single.night. to go to the bathroom. And every time I wake up I have to roll over to get out of bed, and this absolutely destroys my hips. So painful. But when I am actually asleep I am OUT, so that is nice. Miss Aurora has been kind to me this pregnancy and sleeps until around 9am most I'll miss that when baby boy comes.
Best moment this week: Feeling more prepared for baby Ethan. Hospital bag is packed, everything that is necessary is bought, all the clothes and blankets are washed, nursery is sort of together. I feel good about it. We just need to sanitize binkies/bottles and pull out some of Aurora's old baby stuff.
Worse moment this week: Had to go to Labor and Delivery twice to stop consistent contractions (they're still coming just not timbale). Blood pressure is acting up again, fasting blood sugars are a mess (100+) even with medicine, hip pain is miserable and starting to shoot down my leg. Yeah third trimester is kicking my ass.
Miss Anything? Just having a normal body would be nice. Being able to eat ice cream with out killing my kid would be great. I miss being able to run around with Aurora and get on the floor to play with out being being in a ton of pain.
Movement: Less movement then last month, but still a lot. Whenever he's on the monitors he kicks them like crazy. He's been getting hiccups every day twice a day lately.
Food cravings: Still loving all things meat. We've been grilling a lot lately since the weather is beautiful and I love it. BBQ chicken is my favorite right now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I seem to feel sick if I go too long with out eating.
Gender: baby boy 💙💙
Symptoms: All the usual things.
Labor Signs: Non stop Braxton hicks (or maybe real contractions?) that are sometimes timbale, lots of pressure down there, baby is engaged as of right now and I'm sort of dilated and soft.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but very shallow, if I push down it pops out lol.
Wedding rings on or off? on and off. I'm uncomfortable wearing them most days
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm an emotional mess. The third trimester is extremely exhausting mentally. I go back and forth between he's trying to come on his own any day (hence the having to stop contractions at L&D) to they may induce me any week (high BP and out of control GD), to I will go full 40. lol. It's really exhausting to be prepared for any of that.
Looking forward to: Honestly I'm looking forward to just being done, but I know I need to soak in these last couple weeks as a family of three. Enjoy my time with Aurora while I'm still getting ok-ish sleep and not glued to a newborn. Also the longer he can safely stay in there the better. I don't want a NICU stay.
P.S does anyone else notice how crazy this baby bump is? One day its LOW, another it's super high. One day its round and big, others its more squared off and small. So weird.