Saturday, January 30, 2016

36 weeks

How far along? 36 weeks 3 days (measuring 37 weeks based on the growth scan)
Total weight gain/loss: 33 pounds 
Maternity clothes? Wearing anything that will fit
Stretch marks? All over the place ): Not much I can do.
Sleep: Lots of pregnancy insomnia this week. I'm not in horrible pain, and I'm still pretty comfortable...but for some reason my eyes just pop open at 3am every single night.
Best moment this week: Having two snow days with my hubby
Worse moment this week: My sugar crashed the other night due to my medicine being upped. It was a little traumatic to deal with. I started feeling really funny and felt my eyes almost glaze over and I got really confused. Hubby was concerned and suggested taking my sugar and sure enough it was 60. My doctor says it's ok to have a sugar crash every now and then as long as its not all the time....great! My dinner and lunch numbers can still be a bit wonky, but my fasting and breakfast numbers are steady.
Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows
Miss Anything? Feeling normal. This is my always.
Movement: Lots of movement and hiccups, so cute.
Food cravings: Really been wanting fruit and lemonade.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing at all. Nausea has been good.
Gender: Girl 
Symptoms: Back pain, heartburn has been getting worse despite medicine, headaches coming back with a vengeance, swelling, etc
Labor Signs: Two nights ago I had a bloody show, so I called the doctor and they had me come in. I am 50% effaced and when they hooked me up to a NST I was having contractions 4 minutes apart (sometimes closer) for a minute long for over an hour!! This was very exciting to see, and they sent me to L&D to be monitored but sadly the contractions were not strong enough to make any kind of cervical change so I was sent home. It was a long day but full of excitement! Hubby and I got a taste of what the real deal would be like. I am still having contractions that are pretty consistent, but they are not very strong so I assume they are still not progressing me any.
Belly Button in or out? Still in 
Wedding rings on or off? All my jewelry are off and put away. It's just too uncomfortable to wear any of them. I'm not supposed to wear jewelry when I go into labor anyways, so it's probably better to store them properly at home.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I'm getting way more excited then nervous to meet our baby girl
Looking forward to: Baby girl coming!

Friday, January 15, 2016

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks 2 days (measuring 35 weeks based on the growth scan)
Total weight gain/loss: 30 pounds 
Maternity clothes? Wearing anything that will fit
Stretch marks? Hips, breasts, thighs, but none on my tummy. Yep I'm not the typical blogger that has flawless skin through out.
Sleep: Still sleeping ok. I have bathroom trips and sometimes just pop up in the middle of the night, but when I am sleeping I'm sleeping hard.
Best moment this week: Growth scan of baby girl seeing that all is measuring well.
Worse moment this week: My sugars have been all over the place, started medicine and it hasn't gone that well. My diet is the same and it doesn't matter. Nothing I can do I supposed. A death in the family occurred and it has been rough on everyone. It's been a hard week.
Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows
Miss Anything? Feeling normal. This is my always.
Movement: Lots of movement and hiccups have started recently!!! So cute.
Food cravings: Still been dying for ice cream
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing at all. Nausea has been good.
Gender: Girl 
Symptoms: Back pain, heartburn creeping up again, contractions on and off, headaches, swelling, etc yep I'm definitely pregnant.
Labor Signs: ^^
Belly Button in or out? Still in!! Crazy
Wedding rings on or off? Rings are off and I'm pretty bummed about it. I could try to put them back on everyday but my fingers swell and I don't want them to get stuck on. So I figured its better to just put them somewhere safe for now. I took my necklace off as well because I feel like I'm choking all the time. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Flip flopping.
Looking forward to: Baby girl coming!

Friday, January 1, 2016

32 weeks

How far along? 32 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: 28 pounds 
Maternity clothes? I'm mostly wearing maternity clothes, or just bigger sized pants and shirts that are loose fitting. Although the gold shirt I'm wearing here is a normal shirt I squeezed myself into lol
Stretch marks? They are definitely popping up all over the place, but still none on my stomach. None of them are really bad either, they aren't deep red or very big.
Sleep: I'm sleeping really good actually. Love my body pillow, worth every penny.
Best moment this week: Running around seeing family and enjoying the holidays. The nursery is just about finished, and we are setting up baby stuff all around the house. So exciting!!
Worse moment this week: Lots of ups and downs with my gestational diabetes diagnosis. Different doctors have different opinions on how to go about treating it. It sucks having to prick my finger 4 times a day (sometimes more when my glucometer is messing up) and feeling guilty about everything I eat even when it's healthy. It's hard balancing my gestational diabetes with my birthday, the holidays, and social gatherings when the only option is food I can't eat. I know it is all for a better cause though, and I'm handling it the best I can. My 2 hour after meals blood is always good, my fasting numbers are a little more tricky.
Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows
Miss Anything? Eating whatever I want without the guilt.
Movement: More and more movement. She is running out of space in there!
Food cravings: I've been realllllllly wanting a milkshake or ice cream but it's too much sugar ): But I do love my breakfast meats every morning.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing at all. Nausea has been good.
Gender: Girl 
Symptoms: Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions on Christmas (it was a full moon), and recently I've been getting some actual contractions. Nothing serious or painful, just my body practicing I'm sure. Hip and back pain as always, and lots and lots of pressure down there.
Labor Signs: ^^
Belly Button in or out? Still getting more and more shallow. Not popped out yet, I wonder if it ever will?
Wedding rings on or off? Actually right now they are off due to my fingers swelling last night, but they are usually on.   
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! Very excited to see January come and go
Looking forward to: Ultrasound on Tuesday for a growth scan, more and more doctors appointments, baby classes, nesting, etc. Things are getting more and more real!

18 months & 4 years old

What life is like currently for us currently: We moved from Alaska to Ohio. We built our dream house.  Michael is doing great at work. ...